Thank you for being you!
I had the most wonderful compliment given to me the other day. At the end of a personal coaching session, one of my favorite clients told me, “Thank you for being you.” My instant response was, “You’re welcome, I tried for many years to not be me and it really didn’t work that well.”
We were both taken aback a little with my response. After a good laugh and a little reflection I was a surprised by the truth of my statement. How often do we not accept all of who we really are? How often do we run away from parts of us that we do not like, respect, or appreciate? The problem is the more you run away from them the larger they get, the stronger they become and the more they create problems in your life.
As part of my initial Tony Robbins training we went skydiving as a “coaching challenge – life experience.” There were a few coaches that day who despite all of our emotional training were absolutely petrified and were confident the first step would be their last. As we prepped for the experience and all came home safe there was a success strategy that everyone used.
That strategy consisted of identifying our fears, those parts of ourselves that scared us the most, got prepared with the best mental, emotional and physical tools possible, DECIDED WHAT WE WOULD LET DO OF WHEN WE JUMPED OUT THE DOOR AND WHAT THIS EXPERIENCE WOULD MEAN FOR US, got in the plane, faced our fears, took one big step into the unknown and prayed!
You will get the best out of life by employing that strategy with everything that you fear, procrastinate, or are not facing within yourself. I encourage you to identify those parts of you that are hard to accept, the parts you don’t want to be you, get prepared with the best tools you can, the most information you can, face that fear, take action to embrace it, and you will be delighted with the results. By your second, third, fourth jump, you will be a pro and will have established a new level of success in your life.
To paraphrase an old movie; embrace “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” within yourself, get prepared, and Jump with faith. Life is worth the experience and your first response to “Thank you for being you” will be, “You are welcome, it was my pleasure.”
To your continued success,
If you do not like who you see in the mirror each morning, Call NOW for your dynamic Coaching Session that will change your focus. You can smile at yourself everyday in the mirror and say, "Thank you for being you." (919) 792-0085!
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