I think at some point everyone has dreamed of winning the lottery so they never have to worry about anything again, finding that lost treasure chest filled with pirate gold or living in the proverbial land of “milk and honey.” I often wondered if there was such a place.
During college after many transitions and changes in my personal and educational endeavors, I graduated in May of 1991 with a Bachelor’s of Science from Iowa State University. My degree was in Economics and I really don’t remember anything about it except for the magnificent principle of supply and demand. The law states the when supply is low, and the commodity is in need, demand goes up and you can charge a higher price. When more of that commodity is produced and the demand for it drops, the price can not sustain itself and subsequently drops. This process of balancing between supply and demand is like a rocking chair going forwards and backwards over and over.
The same principles can be found in our emotional states. Are you living in abundance and prosperity or scarcity and fear? I was in a coaching session one day and a client asked me, “How do you move out of fear and into a place of prosperity?” What popped out of my mouth was profound, “Gratitude takes away all fear.” It is similar to one of the concepts in Victor Frankl’s book, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Being grateful for the experiences and live you have is a key to letting go of fear.
Fear is an emotional indicator that something is coming up in the future that you are not prepared for. As a consequence, a scarcity mentality kicks in where a person thinks about all they do not have instead of what they do have. Those thoughts are the opposite of Gratitude and abundance. Scarcity breeds fear of loss, fear of not enough, and does not promote sharing, giving, or compassion for others.
Most people today seem to be wrestling with life and their mindset because there is a huge supply of fear. After all, that is what sells newspapers, grips people into watching the news every night, and leads our thoughts to an overabundance of fear. We are forgetting to cultivate a garden of gratitude. When fear, lack and scarcity are in greater abundance than gratitude, at the end of the day the gratitude is gone and there is nothing left but fear and uncertainty. Faith and Hope for a brighter future die a terrible death.
However, the “Land of Milk & Honey” can and does exist today. A person needs to be strong and build their muscles of thankfulness, gratitude and sound decisions. Josh Groban said it wonderfully in one of his songs, “All you need to love is in front of your eyes.” Not, all you need to love you don’t have yet, used to have, or somebody else has and you don’t!!
When we have a supply of gratitude that exceeds the demands being placed on it by the impacts of society, our peers, and our own personal thoughts; then optimism about the future kicks in and things are pretty good. We may not have all that we desire in life, the problems and bills to pay are still there, but inside our head at the end of the day there is a positive supply of healthy grateful thoughts left over.
Even in our recession, we still are the greatest land of opportunity because we have free trade. You can go out and live your dream today, build your own business, go back to college for that extra educational experience, still have another child, go to grocery stores that are never out of food, and stand in a checkout line with 3 people in front of you instead of waiting for hours for a loaf of bread or bowl of rice.
The key to the pirate’s treasure chest is in your mind. If you have an abundance of gratitude and thankfulness for all that you do have today you can live a life free of fear, scarcity and lack. You can count the golden things you already have in life and remember you have already won the lottery. The “Land of Milk and Honey” does exist; it is in your MIND! Remember, gratitude takes away all fear! Today I am thankful for…
CD Special:
What have you been feeding your mind lately? Order the “Powerful Positive Parenting” 2-CD set & the “Panning for Emotional Gold” CD as a package for the special price of $29.99 + S&H charge of $3.95. All orders will be shipped on Friday, June 12th. See payment instructions below. Order your copies today!
COACHING Special: Fast Track for Success in June
Are you looking to jump start your weight loss for spring, take control of your finances, build a better relationship or take the next step in your career? The Fast Track for Success program allows you to focus on making those consistent changes daily for you to get what you want by making "small deposits every day." Most of us overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in ten.
For only $199 you get a specialized, 6-Step program personalized to achieve your goal.
Step 1: Complete the Pre-Call Worksheet for a single goal
Step 2: 30-minute Coaching session to set up new strategies for success
Step 3: You send me a daily email or voicemail with the top 3-5 specific things you are committed to do that day to reach your monthly goal. I will personally respond to every email or voicemail with helpful tips hints, and strategies to overcome your challenges you have along the way
Step 4: After the completion of week 2, a 15-minute check-in call to measure and monitor your success.
Step 5: Repeat Step 3
Step 6: 15-Minute Celebration Call to re-enforce the changes you have made and revise strategies for continued success.
I invite you to experience more success in a single month than you have had in the first two quarters of this year. Success can be yours for only $5 per day, M-F. The only reason you won't call to achieve the life of your dreams is because of time and money. How many calls and emails do you make in a day? Make one that will change your life--and for only $5 per day! Where else are you guaranteed to experience results, see changes, and create what you most want in your life for such a small investment? Put your investment to good use--on yourself!
I now am offering a condensed Sure Hire Assessment Package that consists of a complete DiSC Model Assessment and the NLP Metaprograms report. It also included the original 60-minute personalized consultation to go over the results. It is now priced at an introductory price of $199 per assessment.
By the way, if you know anyone who needs support hiring the right person for the job. Have them check out the Sure Hire Behavioral Assessment at www.surehirenow.com
They can enjoy $50 off the regular price of $399.
For every referral you will receive a $25 Gift Card to any store of your choice as our way of saying “Thank You.”
Join us on Wednesday, June 24th for the exciting “MOTIVATIONAL FOOTBALL” Teleconference. Whether you are sports enthusiast or not, learn to get overcome procrastination, get more motivated and motivate others to achieve more. Motivation is one of the keys for successful leadership today in business, home and in personal accomplishment. There is a way to always be motivated and now you can learn how. Early registration is only $39 between now and Monday, June 22nd. See payment instructions below.
Please pass on this “Thought of the Week” to anyone who needs an encouraging “Thought.”. They can sign up for the “Thought of the Week” by sending me an email at james@evolutionforsuccess.com and place “subscribe” in the subject line. I never share my email list with anyone. Your privacy is of utmost importance to me.
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