by James Murphy
There are many parallels between coaching and psychotherapy in "how" the behavioral modification system is set up to support a client. An study conducted by the Group Health Cooperative Center for Health Studies, public release date: 22-Mar-2007, concluded that clients diagnosed with depression, who also received an antidepressant drug treatment and phone-based therapy as treatment, made an improvement in their life. The results were very positive.
As outlined in the blog entry of March 21, 2007 "What is Coaching?" metaphorically, the coaching process is like a number line from zer0 to ten. Zero is where you are now and ten is where you want to go. Psychotherapy has the inverse model that goes from zero to negative ten. It focuses on where you are now at zero and where are the issues in your past that are holding you back, negative ten. From there, the model and system for treatment is almost identical, minus the drug treatment. They define where the client wants to be, what is preventing them from achieving it, and look to use tools to create anew system of thinking that will support the greatest amount of change and wholeness for the client. Note the studies results below.
“With close to 400 patients, this is the largest study yet of psychotherapy delivered over the telephone,” said Evette J. Ludman, PhD, senior research associate, Group Health Center for Health Studies, the paper’s lead author. “It’s also the first to study the effectiveness of combining phone-based therapy with antidepressant drug treatment as provided in everyday medical practice.”
Long-term positive effects of initially adding phone-based therapy included improvements in patients’ symptoms of depression and satisfaction with their care, said Ludman. At 18 months, 77 percent of those who got phone-based therapy (but only 63 percent of those receiving regular care) reported their depression was “much” or “very much” improved. Those who received phone-based therapy were slightly better at taking their antidepressant medication as recommended, but that did not account for most of their improvement. And effects were stronger for patients with moderate to severe depression than for those with mild depression.
“We were surprised at how well the positive effects were maintained over time,” said Ludman. “As with weight control, maintaining improvement is the hardest part of treating depression.”
You can read the rest of the article by clicking here:
With almost 8 years of coaching and over 16,000 telephone coaching sessions, telephone coaching works to support personal change. The process is greatly accelerated by hiring a coaching with skills and training in Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP. NLP is a model of excellence that identifies "how" someone creates their outcomes. Then, easy and effective strategies are used clear up those issues from a clients past (zero to negative ten) and provide the client with instant change. A person can easily and effortlessly let go of unresolved emotional experiences from the past, change limiting beliefs and value systems and move forward with a telephone based coaching system to establish more empowering behaviors, actions and results. NLP processes combined with telephone coaching create results in a persons life. Your success is unlimited.
Many long term clients create a journal that is priceless in its content. It is a masterpiece built on their coaching experience. It contains the psychology of achievement, behavioral modification techniques, goals, challenges, accomplishments and results that are an irreplaceable reference tool.
If a telephone based therapy system achieves results in psychotherapy then the same system in coaching must achieve results also. The proof is in the NLP/Coaching pudding. Contact if you want more results Now!
Coaching Insights, Tips and Strategies for Consultants, Independent business owners and Senior Level Executives
Are you in charge of your emotions or are your emotions in charge of you?
by James Murphy
Peak Performance Coach
Master Practitioner: NLP, Time Line
Therapy™ and Hypnosis
When people talk about changing their life they are really talking about changing the quality and intensity of the emotional states that they consistently experience. There are certain emotional states that we are driven towards and certain emotional states that we are driven away from.
The study of emotions is the study or history. Emotions are the cause of war, peace, prosperity, and poverty. Conflicting emotions inside an individual are the core of dis-ease in the body. The key to changing the quality of our emotional states is to understand what the emotion is communicating to us. Emotions give us insight into where we are incongruent in our values, beliefs, and unresolved significant emotional events. The outcome of any coaching or intervention process is to ease emotional conflict within a person and increase wholeness by attaching new meanings to their experiences. That increases choice and wholeness within a person.
There are four main patterns that of how people deal with emotional states that are disempowering. In NLP, these disempowering states are called away from values.
1. Avoidance: we consistently distract ourselves from facing the incongruency through drugs, alcohol, TV, or any other self medicating or procrastinating behavior
2. Disassociation: we have a conscious understanding of the emotion and endure it or else we try to forget that we know it and deny it
3. Competition with others: we compare how our emotional state to others and make ours grow greater than theirs
4. Learn and Grow: Success is learning how to understand what the emotion is communicating to us, clearing up the conflict within, and enjoying a greater level of emotional health, or wholeness within an individual.
The Top 10 Disempowering Emotional Categories
1. Uncomfortable
2. Fear
3. Hurt
4. Anger
5. Frustration
6. Disappointment
7. Guilt/Regret
8. Inadequacy
9. Overwhelm/Overloaded
10. Loneliness
All of these disempowering emotions have a message for us. They are powerful indicators of conflict within our minds which creates dis-ease in the body. The key to having greater levels of positive emotional intensity is to clear up past unresolved significant emotional events, change the meaning that we attach to our experiences and condition in our new states. The next few blog entries will cover these aspects of “how” to have greater levels of emotional health.
Tomorrow’s entry will focus on the Top 10 Disempowering Emotional Categories, identifying what they are communicating to us and strategies to move through them.
The Law of Attraction states that you attract that which you focus on the most with the greatest levels of emotional intensity. If you want to attract more into your life, you need to have greater and greater levels of positive emotional intensity. Check out my Law of Attraction Teleconference on April 5, 2007.
If you are looking to create more change in your life and evolve to your next level of success, you can thrive and have all you want with the Fast Track Coaching Package. It is the most powerful, economical, coaching tool to support you on the market today.
Sign up today at
To our continued success…James
Peak Performance Coach
Master Practitioner: NLP, Time Line
Therapy™ and Hypnosis
When people talk about changing their life they are really talking about changing the quality and intensity of the emotional states that they consistently experience. There are certain emotional states that we are driven towards and certain emotional states that we are driven away from.
The study of emotions is the study or history. Emotions are the cause of war, peace, prosperity, and poverty. Conflicting emotions inside an individual are the core of dis-ease in the body. The key to changing the quality of our emotional states is to understand what the emotion is communicating to us. Emotions give us insight into where we are incongruent in our values, beliefs, and unresolved significant emotional events. The outcome of any coaching or intervention process is to ease emotional conflict within a person and increase wholeness by attaching new meanings to their experiences. That increases choice and wholeness within a person.
There are four main patterns that of how people deal with emotional states that are disempowering. In NLP, these disempowering states are called away from values.
1. Avoidance: we consistently distract ourselves from facing the incongruency through drugs, alcohol, TV, or any other self medicating or procrastinating behavior
2. Disassociation: we have a conscious understanding of the emotion and endure it or else we try to forget that we know it and deny it
3. Competition with others: we compare how our emotional state to others and make ours grow greater than theirs
4. Learn and Grow: Success is learning how to understand what the emotion is communicating to us, clearing up the conflict within, and enjoying a greater level of emotional health, or wholeness within an individual.
The Top 10 Disempowering Emotional Categories
1. Uncomfortable
2. Fear
3. Hurt
4. Anger
5. Frustration
6. Disappointment
7. Guilt/Regret
8. Inadequacy
9. Overwhelm/Overloaded
10. Loneliness
All of these disempowering emotions have a message for us. They are powerful indicators of conflict within our minds which creates dis-ease in the body. The key to having greater levels of positive emotional intensity is to clear up past unresolved significant emotional events, change the meaning that we attach to our experiences and condition in our new states. The next few blog entries will cover these aspects of “how” to have greater levels of emotional health.
Tomorrow’s entry will focus on the Top 10 Disempowering Emotional Categories, identifying what they are communicating to us and strategies to move through them.
The Law of Attraction states that you attract that which you focus on the most with the greatest levels of emotional intensity. If you want to attract more into your life, you need to have greater and greater levels of positive emotional intensity. Check out my Law of Attraction Teleconference on April 5, 2007.
If you are looking to create more change in your life and evolve to your next level of success, you can thrive and have all you want with the Fast Track Coaching Package. It is the most powerful, economical, coaching tool to support you on the market today.
Sign up today at
To our continued success…James
Outcome ~VS~ State, Who won?
by James Murphy
Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting to get in the game? Can you answer the question, “What do you want to have right now?” How you answered the question could be the difference between success and disappointment. Successful people answer with an Outcome ~VS~ a State.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. It is the left brain answer to your question. In land navigation every point has a specific grid coordinate. A person on a trip to Hawaii needs a specific grid coordinate to tell them exactly where they are starting from, where they are in the process of the flight, and how they will know when they have achieved their final destination. Without the grid coordinates a person is easily lost. Our lives are the same way. It is important to be able to answer this question in order to define your outcomes, “What is the specific result that I am focused on achieving today.”
A state is the exact opposite. It is a right brain answer and will be defined as value (feeling word) and is 100% emotional. Using the Hawaii example, a state is what you are going to be feeling once you step off of the plane: rest, relaxation, peace, quiet, tranquility, etc. It will be the emotional experience that is defined by your achieving your outcome.
Why is this distinction important? It is because of one simple principle: Motion Creates Emotion. Motion creates momentum and momentum is power, energy and force. Emotion does not always lead to motion. Do you need proof? I will give two words, lethargy and depression.
A person who is looking for a new experience must define their outcome; choose to take action towards its achievement so the desired emotional state will be produced. So, if you hear someone talk in a language pattern of, “When I feel happy then I will get up and go walk” or “Once I get past this tired feeling I will get to the gym,” they never will get to the emotional states that they most desire from life.
Ask someone today, “What do you want? What is the specific result that you are focused on achieving?” Successful people will be able to define their outcomes.
Do you desire more success? Put your life in motion to create emotion with peak performance coaching today.
To our continued success, James
Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting to get in the game? Can you answer the question, “What do you want to have right now?” How you answered the question could be the difference between success and disappointment. Successful people answer with an Outcome ~VS~ a State.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. It is the left brain answer to your question. In land navigation every point has a specific grid coordinate. A person on a trip to Hawaii needs a specific grid coordinate to tell them exactly where they are starting from, where they are in the process of the flight, and how they will know when they have achieved their final destination. Without the grid coordinates a person is easily lost. Our lives are the same way. It is important to be able to answer this question in order to define your outcomes, “What is the specific result that I am focused on achieving today.”
A state is the exact opposite. It is a right brain answer and will be defined as value (feeling word) and is 100% emotional. Using the Hawaii example, a state is what you are going to be feeling once you step off of the plane: rest, relaxation, peace, quiet, tranquility, etc. It will be the emotional experience that is defined by your achieving your outcome.
Why is this distinction important? It is because of one simple principle: Motion Creates Emotion. Motion creates momentum and momentum is power, energy and force. Emotion does not always lead to motion. Do you need proof? I will give two words, lethargy and depression.
A person who is looking for a new experience must define their outcome; choose to take action towards its achievement so the desired emotional state will be produced. So, if you hear someone talk in a language pattern of, “When I feel happy then I will get up and go walk” or “Once I get past this tired feeling I will get to the gym,” they never will get to the emotional states that they most desire from life.
Ask someone today, “What do you want? What is the specific result that you are focused on achieving?” Successful people will be able to define their outcomes.
Do you desire more success? Put your life in motion to create emotion with peak performance coaching today.
To our continued success, James
life coaching,
peak performance coaching,
What is Peak Performance Coaching?
by James Murphy
You have heard about coaching but what is in it for you? How do you pick a great coach? What do they actually do? In order to find a great coach today there are three things that you need to define: the three part coaching process, your coaches experience, and your outcomes for hiring the coach.
The three part coaching process is simple. Picture a number line from 0 to 10 in your mind. Coaching is a model of support that focuses first on defining where you are now (0) and where you want to be (10). Having an end destination defined is crucial for any coaching process because without it, you will never be able to measure and assess your results and refine the new strategies and behaviors you are creating.
Most people forget that when you set a goal you simultaneously define all of the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve them. For example, if you have never run a day in your life and you signed up for a marathon, you put some big obstacles in place. These obstacles come can be defined as patterns of behavior that are mental (limiting beliefs), emotional (fear, overwhelm, self doubt), and physical in nature (my shins hurt today, I’m tired). The coach’s skill sets need to be able to support you to identify these obstacles and limitations, develop new strategies for success, and refine these processes until they are automatic.
The coach’s last main function is to hold you accountable for specifically defined actions that you agree to perform in between coaching sessions. It is great to sit on the phone all day and talk about our issues but if a person does not choose to take a different action then nothing will change.
The coach’s experience is crucial in being able to provide the client with the experience that they desire. My coaching is 80% psychology and 20% tools and strategies. That is because 80% of the challenges that we experience are in our mind. There are two types of fear: functional and non-functional fear. Functional fear is 10% of what we experience in our life today. Remember not to step off of the curb because the bus is coming down the street. Non-functional fear is our own creation based on what if’s, what about’s, and why’s that we ask ourselves. It truly is all in the mind and is False Evidence Appearing Real. The mind creates the other 90%.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. Know your outcome before you find a coach or at least make sure that the first exercise you and your coach go through is to define your outcomes. Otherwise, you may find yourself frustrated and going around and around in circles feeling lost in the woods.
So, you can experience success in three minutes or less every day with the Fast Track Coaching Plan. Check it out on my website. If you are going in circles, find an outstanding coach that will help you define where you want to be, identify your obstacles and develop new strategies for success, and hold you accountable to your new life!
You have heard about coaching but what is in it for you? How do you pick a great coach? What do they actually do? In order to find a great coach today there are three things that you need to define: the three part coaching process, your coaches experience, and your outcomes for hiring the coach.
The three part coaching process is simple. Picture a number line from 0 to 10 in your mind. Coaching is a model of support that focuses first on defining where you are now (0) and where you want to be (10). Having an end destination defined is crucial for any coaching process because without it, you will never be able to measure and assess your results and refine the new strategies and behaviors you are creating.
Most people forget that when you set a goal you simultaneously define all of the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve them. For example, if you have never run a day in your life and you signed up for a marathon, you put some big obstacles in place. These obstacles come can be defined as patterns of behavior that are mental (limiting beliefs), emotional (fear, overwhelm, self doubt), and physical in nature (my shins hurt today, I’m tired). The coach’s skill sets need to be able to support you to identify these obstacles and limitations, develop new strategies for success, and refine these processes until they are automatic.
The coach’s last main function is to hold you accountable for specifically defined actions that you agree to perform in between coaching sessions. It is great to sit on the phone all day and talk about our issues but if a person does not choose to take a different action then nothing will change.
The coach’s experience is crucial in being able to provide the client with the experience that they desire. My coaching is 80% psychology and 20% tools and strategies. That is because 80% of the challenges that we experience are in our mind. There are two types of fear: functional and non-functional fear. Functional fear is 10% of what we experience in our life today. Remember not to step off of the curb because the bus is coming down the street. Non-functional fear is our own creation based on what if’s, what about’s, and why’s that we ask ourselves. It truly is all in the mind and is False Evidence Appearing Real. The mind creates the other 90%.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. Know your outcome before you find a coach or at least make sure that the first exercise you and your coach go through is to define your outcomes. Otherwise, you may find yourself frustrated and going around and around in circles feeling lost in the woods.
So, you can experience success in three minutes or less every day with the Fast Track Coaching Plan. Check it out on my website. If you are going in circles, find an outstanding coach that will help you define where you want to be, identify your obstacles and develop new strategies for success, and hold you accountable to your new life!
Change equals FEAR for most people. Take a look at this wonderful link about how fast the world is changing.
In today’s exponentially changing times, if you want to increase your levels of success you should prepare to be a leader in your field by mastering learning and information through Accelerated Learning Techniques, Specialization in your field of study, and create a LOVE OF CHANGE. In NLP, we say that the person with the greatest flexibility controls the system. The level of success that you have in life is directly proportional to the amount of Uncertainty/Change you can handle. Letting go of Certainty will allow you to access greater levels of uncertainty.
How much uncertainty and variety can you handle in your life?
What have you done today to learn and grow in your field?
To our continued success,
In today’s exponentially changing times, if you want to increase your levels of success you should prepare to be a leader in your field by mastering learning and information through Accelerated Learning Techniques, Specialization in your field of study, and create a LOVE OF CHANGE. In NLP, we say that the person with the greatest flexibility controls the system. The level of success that you have in life is directly proportional to the amount of Uncertainty/Change you can handle. Letting go of Certainty will allow you to access greater levels of uncertainty.
How much uncertainty and variety can you handle in your life?
What have you done today to learn and grow in your field?
To our continued success,
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