by James Murphy
Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting to get in the game? Can you answer the question, “What do you want to have right now?” How you answered the question could be the difference between success and disappointment. Successful people answer with an Outcome ~VS~ a State.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. It is the left brain answer to your question. In land navigation every point has a specific grid coordinate. A person on a trip to Hawaii needs a specific grid coordinate to tell them exactly where they are starting from, where they are in the process of the flight, and how they will know when they have achieved their final destination. Without the grid coordinates a person is easily lost. Our lives are the same way. It is important to be able to answer this question in order to define your outcomes, “What is the specific result that I am focused on achieving today.”
A state is the exact opposite. It is a right brain answer and will be defined as value (feeling word) and is 100% emotional. Using the Hawaii example, a state is what you are going to be feeling once you step off of the plane: rest, relaxation, peace, quiet, tranquility, etc. It will be the emotional experience that is defined by your achieving your outcome.
Why is this distinction important? It is because of one simple principle: Motion Creates Emotion. Motion creates momentum and momentum is power, energy and force. Emotion does not always lead to motion. Do you need proof? I will give two words, lethargy and depression.
A person who is looking for a new experience must define their outcome; choose to take action towards its achievement so the desired emotional state will be produced. So, if you hear someone talk in a language pattern of, “When I feel happy then I will get up and go walk” or “Once I get past this tired feeling I will get to the gym,” they never will get to the emotional states that they most desire from life.
Ask someone today, “What do you want? What is the specific result that you are focused on achieving?” Successful people will be able to define their outcomes.
Do you desire more success? Put your life in motion to create emotion with peak performance coaching today.
To our continued success, James
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