by James Murphy
You have heard about coaching but what is in it for you? How do you pick a great coach? What do they actually do? In order to find a great coach today there are three things that you need to define: the three part coaching process, your coaches experience, and your outcomes for hiring the coach.
The three part coaching process is simple. Picture a number line from 0 to 10 in your mind. Coaching is a model of support that focuses first on defining where you are now (0) and where you want to be (10). Having an end destination defined is crucial for any coaching process because without it, you will never be able to measure and assess your results and refine the new strategies and behaviors you are creating.
Most people forget that when you set a goal you simultaneously define all of the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve them. For example, if you have never run a day in your life and you signed up for a marathon, you put some big obstacles in place. These obstacles come can be defined as patterns of behavior that are mental (limiting beliefs), emotional (fear, overwhelm, self doubt), and physical in nature (my shins hurt today, I’m tired). The coach’s skill sets need to be able to support you to identify these obstacles and limitations, develop new strategies for success, and refine these processes until they are automatic.
The coach’s last main function is to hold you accountable for specifically defined actions that you agree to perform in between coaching sessions. It is great to sit on the phone all day and talk about our issues but if a person does not choose to take a different action then nothing will change.
The coach’s experience is crucial in being able to provide the client with the experience that they desire. My coaching is 80% psychology and 20% tools and strategies. That is because 80% of the challenges that we experience are in our mind. There are two types of fear: functional and non-functional fear. Functional fear is 10% of what we experience in our life today. Remember not to step off of the curb because the bus is coming down the street. Non-functional fear is our own creation based on what if’s, what about’s, and why’s that we ask ourselves. It truly is all in the mind and is False Evidence Appearing Real. The mind creates the other 90%.
An outcome is a specific result that you are focused on achieving. Know your outcome before you find a coach or at least make sure that the first exercise you and your coach go through is to define your outcomes. Otherwise, you may find yourself frustrated and going around and around in circles feeling lost in the woods.
So, you can experience success in three minutes or less every day with the Fast Track Coaching Plan. Check it out on my website. If you are going in circles, find an outstanding coach that will help you define where you want to be, identify your obstacles and develop new strategies for success, and hold you accountable to your new life!
thank you very much